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I bet you get praised for your intelligence very often.

A good sign that you should stop adding quotes to this site. That and your …

Whenever I visit this site, I can be sure to come across regurgitated platitudes.

J.R.R. Tolkien
les guillemets sont corrects, mais impossibles à taper -_-'

beautifl song


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Friedrich Nietzsche - Ideal Selfishness
Is there a more holy condition than that of pregnancy? To do all we do in the unspoken belief that it has somehow to benefit that which is coming to be within us... we avoid many things without having to force ourselves very hard! We suppress our anger, we offer the hand of conciliation: our child shall grow out of all that is gentlest and best... Everything is veiled, ominous, we know nothing of what is taking place, we wait and try to be ready.