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1501 ayruku 129.82 WPM 1435 games QWERTY
1502 leadfarmer 129.81 WPM 6 games QWERTY
1503 askalice 129.81 WPM 5 games
1504 k8thegr81 129.79 WPM 9043 games
1505 kovic 129.78 WPM 6 games
1506 fourtetcrush 129.76 WPM 29 games
1507 lifeexperience 129.76 WPM 17 games
1508 yulquen 129.71 WPM 29 games
1509 moderndaygod 129.68 WPM 7 games QWERTY
1510 drkarene 129.66 WPM 4 games QWERTY
1511 akalin 129.64 WPM 8 games
1512 natastrophe 129.61 WPM 15 games
1513 ethannnnnn 129.61 WPM 2 games
1514 jonlester 129.59 WPM 31 games
1515 kwiswis 129.59 WPM 170 games
1516 sawii 129.57 WPM 16 games
1517 user475272 129.57 WPM 18 games QWERTY
1518 rjc314slow 129.56 WPM 20 games
1519 mootjenl 129.56 WPM 30 games
1520 gaddi 129.55 WPM 24 games
1521 tomtomclub 129.55 WPM 29 games
1522 cicadaadacic 129.54 WPM 29 games
1523 bry 129.53 WPM 43 games QWERTY
1524 gescomstoop 129.52 WPM 29 games
1525 playpai 129.52 WPM 11 games
1526 62997 129.51 WPM 16 games QWERTY
1527 meeeeeep 129.45 WPM 3 games
1528 meshcinereal87 129.44 WPM 29 games
1529 flywithawayme 129.41 WPM 29 games
1530 sebbychan 129.39 WPM 69 games
1531 arnoldlayne 129.38 WPM 29 games
1532 practice25 129.37 WPM 94 games
1533 theblackdog 129.35 WPM 29 games
1534 royalastronomy 129.35 WPM 29 games
1535 ayriloo 129.32 WPM 30 games
1536 parastrophics 129.30 WPM 15 games
1537 user22571 129.29 WPM 3 games QWERTY
1538 fidosaurus 129.27 WPM 5 games QWERTY
1539 mooncakey 129.25 WPM 10 games
1540 tundan 129.25 WPM 2358 games QWERTY
1541 feed1 129.24 WPM 29 games
1542 johnnrwayne 129.23 WPM 29 games
1543 user409674 129.22 WPM 115 games QWERTY
1544 houseofleaves 129.22 WPM 28 games
1545 logonwitchrock 129.21 WPM 29 games
1546 niggal0lz 129.20 WPM 1 games
1547 xnico 129.20 WPM 6 games QWERTY
1548 bronchusix 129.18 WPM 29 games
1549 novoaevum 129.18 WPM 5 games QWERTY
1550 realkeymaster 129.18 WPM 21 games QWERTY

This high scores list is based on the wpm average of the last 10 games played.