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this sucks bro never post again

Some Guy
I know it's been a while, but how did it go...?

Thomas L. Johnson
What an idiot.

And guess what happened to me while typing this quote? :c

Efficient Linux at the Command Line by Daniel J. Barrett
Not gonna lie, no matter how fast you type, there's always going to be a …



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Snooze - "SnooPING AS usual I see"
Presenting those who, without woe in our hearts, we proudly bestow our highest endowment. How?! Did we even do anything? Just go up there and accept the thing. Someone else do it; I don't like public speaking. Hurry up, the whole room is clapping. What is this even for? Hurry up, the food is getting cold. Hello. I don't seem to know why we're all here!

Jenny Hval - Paradise Rot (english translation)
Her hip-bone stuck to my thigh. I moved my leg, but as our bodies slipped apart, I heard her body make a sound, not a normal sound, a fantastical sound, something like the sound of a nail breaking, of a bone fracturing, or flesh being torn apart. I closed my eyes and imagined damp dark beads rolling from her finger flesh, out of her mouth, her hip socket, vulva.

Rifftrax dot com - Demon Island
Imagine your ugliest stuffed animal coming to life and sort of awkwardly chasing you around with a stick, and you'll start to fathom the terror of this movie. Grab a bottle of Fireball, or whatever college kids drink these days, and join Mike, Kevin and Bill for a cruise over to Demon Island!

Errico Malatesta - His Life and Ideas
By definition an anarchist is he who does not wish to be oppressed nor wishes to be an oppressor; who wants the greatest well-being, freedom and development for all human beings. His ideas and wishes have their origin in a feeling of sympathy, love and respect for humanity: a feeling which must be sufficiently strong to induce him to want the well being of others as much as his own, and to renounce those personal advantages, the achievement of which, would involve the sacrifice of others.

Sarah Laker - Cheers - Carla Tortelli
It was a magical moment. You know, it was like I was transported back in time. I wasn't a tired old woman with six kids. I was a fresh young teenager with two kids.

Maureen Johnson - Your Guide to Not Getting Murdered
Cricket. Just a lovely, civilized time, with players running around a squishy green field with paddle-shaped bats, whacking a rock-hard ball, thinking about how much they resent their teammates. The highest trophy in the cricketing world is literally an urn full of ashes, so you can't pretend you weren't warned.

Harry Medved - The 50 Worst Films of All Time
The terrifying sea monster prepares to ravage the fun-loving beboppers at Party Beach. Since he could not get a date, he is going stag to crash the festivities.

Carol Taylor - Journey to 100
Here is a trick that will help improve your typing speed. Practice a few Instant Death exercises and then move to the regular quotes. Speed came to me when I had a "feel" for the keyboard and it was only accuracy that gave me that. Accuracy is the foundation that speed stands on and focus is the foundation that supports accuracy. If you don't want to use the Instant Death option, just try to type the first line without making any errors, and you will carry the trend throughout the quote.

James C. VanderKam - The Meaning of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Several texts provide an extra level of information: they correlate dates in a solar calendar with a lunar calendar. These equivalences are at times also supplemented with the names of the priestly course on duty at the time. (Here the words "day of the lunar month" and "day of the solar month" are not in the text but are supplied to help you understand it.).

Mysterious Universe dot Com - Seduced by Strangeness
In 1996, veteran UFO researcher Budd Hopkins published a report that would change the UFO scene in ways no one could have imagined. He described the saga of a woman seemingly abducted from her New York City apartment in the middle of the night and thrust into a world of stalkers, MIB-like men, and diplomatic mystery.

Carol Taylor (Inspired by Tenacious D) - The Best Quote on Key Hero (Tribute)
Last week when I was I was practicing my typing, an amazing quote came to me. It was the best quote ever. I used Word to perfect it and checked the sources. It was funny, not too long, easy to type, thought provoking, and poignant. I slept on it and in the morning I was able to add an inspirational message that was relevant to the current times. However, OneDrive autosaved it to oblivion, and I lost it. So I would like to use this quote as a tribute to the best quote on Key Hero ever.

Dwight D. Eisenhower - State of the Union Address - January 10, 1957
Our soil, water, mineral, forest, fish, and wildlife resources are being conserved and improved more effectively. Their conservation and development are vital to the present and future strength of the Nation. But they must not be the concern of the Federal Government alone. State and local entities, and private enterprise should be encouraged to participate in such projects.

The Word (NIV) - Matthew 22: 36-40
Teacher, what is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied, " 'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it, 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.

Johnny Gruelle - Raggedy Ann
Some of the dolls had been put in the little red chairs around the little doll table. There was nothing to eat upon the table except a turkey, a fried egg and an apple, all made of plaster of paris and painted in natural colors. The little teapot and other doll dishes were empty, but Marcella had told them to enjoy their dinner while she was away.

Ashley Rosetta - Work Life
As I am sitting here typing at work, trying to make my 12 hour shift more fun I can't help but think about needing a vacation! All I do is work, work, work!! 12 hour shifts 7 days a week, no life, just work. Sicker than a dog and still slaving away. I NEED A VACATION!!

Carol Taylor - Delicious War
I'm sorry, peaches and I'm sorry, trash. On toe-burning beaches, I'm sorry, waves crash. Peaches on boats, boats made of trash. Trashy boat peaches were destined to clash. The ripe peaches readied their peach popping gun the marvelous peach popping gun number one. The ripened apples took to the sky acrobats dispensing an ammo supply. BOOM! I'm sorry, apples and I'm sorry, trash; aftermath water's crimson waves crash. Fruit in pies, jams and mash. Resource to product, product to trash.

Ahmed Saeed - Ahmed's personal Quote
"Hard work is the foundation of any achievement." It's not always about talent or skill it's about the relentless pursuit of your goals and the ability to keep moving forward, even when the odds are against you. Remember, every great accomplishment was once considered impossible. Stay focused, stay determined, and trust the process. Your time will come.

Eugene V. Debs - Real Service
To stir the masses, to appeal to their higher, better selves, to set them thinking for themselves, and to hold ever before them the ideal of mutual kindness and good will, based upon mutual interests, is to render real service to the cause of humanity.

Ashley Rosetta - Rain
As I lay here in bed, I can't help but think.. When it rains why does the sky look so ugly but the sound of the rain sounds so beautiful? How can something so ugly be beautiful at the same time? Am I thinking about it to much and need to sleep?!

Ten Second Epic - Old Habits Die Hard
Honestly your carefree life on weekends is starting to tear us apart. Honestly why can't we leave the nightlife for the lonely and spend your evening right beside me. And when the drinks go down to fast, slow down baby it's time to come clean.