Typists in School - skyjoos

This quote a été ajouté par skyjoos
I have noticed that many of the self-written quotes on this website are done by high school students looking for anything to do that isn't their schoolwork. As a teacher, I'm not shocked. Take it one day at a time, kiddos. But you better not be one of my students!

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spiceyy_ 5 mois, 4 semaines avant

Tester vos compétences en dactylographie, faites le Test de dactylographie.

Score (MPM) distribution pour cette citation. Plus.

Meilleurs scores pour typing test

Nom MPM Précision
destiny2 167.88 99.2%
typin_ 165.03 97.4%
forkhunter 153.73 99.6%
user491757 134.94 100%
chrisbrewer 116.66 98.1%
kyle_w 113.13 96.7%
freu 111.38 98.9%
user287946 110.15 97.1%
dante-didit 99.75 95.7%
thebombuknow 98.99 88.9%

Récemment pour

Nom MPM Précision
typin_ 165.03 97.4%
adrian9818 33.91 87.4%
user108168 52.52 94.7%
dante-didit 99.75 95.7%
cholloway526 87.89 95.0%
user100406 63.68 90.5%
destiny2 167.88 99.2%
zeravla708 81.19 96.7%