Something or Other - Themanwiththeplan

This quote a été ajouté par user515562
This is something or other. I don't know what I'm going to type but I know that it's going to be wacky and zany, but in and of itself stupid. The universe questions why I might be doing this but it's mostly because I need to practice certain verbs, nouns, and what-not to get more flexible and to see the exact ways in which the zenith of my mind works.

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weesin 5 années, 1 mois avant
Poorly written, non-sensical, pointless quote

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user98852 113.13 95.4%
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rrapattoni 93.80 99.2%
piago 71.83 96.2%
user990360 91.86 93.1%
the_hornburg 71.98 97.0%