weesin is a dumby - kirkland may

This quote a été ajouté par kirklandmay
Weesin is a cyber bully and he told this one person that stuck up for herself and he told her to do suicide so she also needs her mom to type post about her and she is idiotic.

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weesin 5 années, 2 mois avant
You're a moron. I only criticize peoples errors. When they get all childish and defensive and can't take constructive criticism and start threatening to assault me, then I will respond by making judgements about your character as well. A mature person would just say "thanks for pointing out my error, I'll fix it right away". Children like you can't handle such criticism so you start making jokes about my dead mother or threatening to come to my house to "wreck" me
bigeasy43 5 années, 2 mois avant
Weesin is the one thats salty.
user294322 5 années, 2 mois avant
Im fine with you going and saying mean things in your mind but when you say it to the actual person than that gets salty, so you need to start thinking if you have nothing good to say don't say it you little fart.
kirklandmay 5 années, 2 mois avant
your one to talk
weesin 5 années, 2 mois avant
Weesin is a woman. Weesin only criticizes the inability of others to post submissions that are free of errors. Weesin only gets rude when people start calling her names and threatening to assault her. You're wasting your time little children - Weesin doesn't care what any of you morons say about her. Weesin only criticized writing style - apparently you stupid people think that gives you license to attack someone's character when you don't even know that person. You all need to grow up
kirklandmay 5 années, 2 mois avant
stay off weesin

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