Naw..... Light is energy, darkness is the void of nothingness. They are not opposites. If anything, darkness can be the opposite of ANYTHING, but light..... light would be the opposite of radiation I believe, that would be the ying yang of light.
El pronombre «ti» se escribe siempre sin tilde. Los monosílabos solo se tildan en los casos de la llamada tilde diacrítica, en los que principalmente se busca distinguir un monosílabo tónico de otro átono. «Ti» no tiene un correlato átono del que se deba distinguir.
Hello Winnipeg Canada. Happy you like your school. But where ever or when ever you are YOU ALONE bear the full responsibility for learning, and honestly, school can make that hard. I tell people to shut down all public-access schools for two years. A reset would be a good.