Commentaires récents


chenille 1 année, 6 mois avant
Why do they have to be selective at all? If students don't succeed, that's their problem.


bobwizard67 1 année, 6 mois avant
if they dont sum of your life with statistics how are they suppose to choose the students who are going to excel and succeed versus the ones who wont

Abigail Adams

user725591 1 année, 6 mois avant
Sounds pretty sexist to me. Not gonna lie.


username43211 1 année, 6 mois avant
Well Mr. Colt made it quite easy to get out ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

A fast typer

bobwizard67 1 année, 6 mois avant
130 WPM is wild go outside holy

Fernando Pessoa

seantype2510 1 année, 6 mois avant
Damn bro it's not that deep lol, it's just a reflection

Emily Dickinson

user725591 1 année, 6 mois avant
What is with the capitalization of words that don't need to be capitalized?

Ursula K. Le Guin

chieftyper 1 année, 6 mois avant
Naw..... Light is energy, darkness is the void of nothingness. They are not opposites. If anything, darkness can be the opposite of ANYTHING, but light..... light would be the opposite of radiation I believe, that would be the ying yang of light.

Albert Schweitzer

chieftyper 1 année, 6 mois avant


chenille 1 année, 6 mois avant
How creative.

Dequavis Jones

sstruck007 1 année, 6 mois avant


tibamita 1 année, 6 mois avant

Isaac Lyhaus

baboom 1 année, 6 mois avant


raychu 1 année, 6 mois avant
El pronombre «ti» se escribe siempre sin tilde. Los monosílabos solo se tildan en los casos de la llamada tilde diacrítica, en los que principalmente se busca distinguir un monosílabo tónico de otro átono. «Ti» no tiene un correlato átono del que se deba distinguir.

An Anonymous 4chan user describing the series.

meveroom 1 année, 6 mois avant
so true


sstruck007 1 année, 6 mois avant

Mike N.

bvw 1 année, 6 mois avant
Hello Winnipeg Canada. Happy you like your school. But where ever or when ever you are YOU ALONE bear the full responsibility for learning, and honestly, school can make that hard. I tell people to shut down all public-access schools for two years. A reset would be a good.


bvw 1 année, 6 mois avant
If you go back in time, you are you and you make the same decisions. But this time you understand the whole of it better.


bvw 1 année, 6 mois avant
If you are going to eat, eat. Don't chew and spit it out. -- Tuco Bad.

Katara - Avatar the Last Airbender

bvw 1 année, 6 mois avant
Arrogant and silly. But every body loves the anime.

In real life ... no. Too silly.