Conseil de dactylographie, comment faire moins d'erreur
1) Précision
J'avais essayé d'améliorer ma vitesse pendant des mois et je n'ai pas vu beaucoup d'amélioration. Une fois, j'ai ralenti et j'ai commencé à être plus précis au lieu d'essayer de taper plus vite j'ai commencé à voir une augmentation de ma vitesse de frappe. Je me sens plus en contrôle. J'ai encore du chemin à parcourir pour mon but, mais je suis heureux.
Apprendre à être précis en premier, puis augmenter la vitesse ensuite.Chaque fois que vous faites backspace, ça prend plus de temps que si vous ralentissez un peu mais avec une meilleur précision. J'ai toujours fait beaucoup de fautes, mais je me rends compte quand je ralentis pour être précis, j'ai effectivement tendance à taper un peu plus vite.
2) Rythme
Ce qui est important est l'élaboration d'un rythme, de ne pas se presser. Etre précis est la première priorité. La vitesse vient naturellement avec la pratique et le temps. En conclusion, on doit apprendre à ne saisir que ce que l'on voit/lit!
* Mettez les index sur les touches qui ont un relief (petit point ou barre)
* A chaque touche il y a un doigt assigné. Une touche doit toujours être tapée par le même doigt.
* Ne regardez pas le clavier, les yeux doivent toujours être sur l'écran
* Entrainez-vous !
What really helped me improve my typing speed is that moment when you don't have a mic in Counter Strike and have to type out call-outs between gunfights.
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I keep going, because regardless of the pain you have to keep working through it or you will never be able to succeed
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... Don't type for too long at once, I've noticed that if I take a break for a bit after my speed is lacking and do something not mentally intensive when I get back to typing I'm much faster! Also just type a lot if you enjoy typing
What really helped me improve my typing speed is I was able to focus on improving my muscle memory for letter combinations that I was less familiar with, rather than having to repeat combinations that I didn't need to practice.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to not look at your WPM after you finish a test, look at your accuracy. Having accuracy is how you practice correctly and build the correct muscle memory to type faster. Trying to go fast all the time will just trip you up and build bad connections. Try to be motivated by accuracy rather than speed.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to just focus on your accuracy and gradually you will end up with a good typing speed and not doing irritating mistakes.....
Angry arguments online have helped me improve my typing speed significantly. When you need to say a lot before the other person has time to retort or change the subject, you have to type fast and be accurate. No time for fragmented thoughts.
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I take a short break and fix my posture before starting again. I wouldn't stay on for too long, and my advice is to be less tense and welcome mistakes at first.
For me, it helps to read the quote out loud or at least mouth it as I type it. Of course all the other things you hear all the time help as well -- accuracy is the most important thing for speed in my opinion. Also, it makes a huge difference when you're not mashing on the keyboard. A lot of people seem to hit the keys way too hard.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to practice typing with your weak fingers really hard. like slamming the keys. do it until your weak fingers get a lot faster and more accurate as you firmly able to type the keys with confidence.
What helped me improve my typing speed is to play something with a consistent beat to practice the rhythm of typing and then once comfortable listening to music with inconsistent or chaotic rhythms to help better retain improve speed and focus.
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... keep going until it's finally time for me to go home because I have nothing else to do and I can't use my phone or browse the internet on this computer
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I Decide that I am depressed and lonely and don't want to make any more dirty jokes because I know I won't ever be able to do those things so i then feel like killing myself, but instead i hang out with my 3 friends and live my life with no solution whatsoever.
What really helped me improve my typing speed is beating off as fast as I can because like wow, that girl was double cheeked up and everything. Cake and all, 3 buckets of milk, 2 eggs, and one sugar, and that cake was more good than the cum on her tiddies and her pus
Everyone says it, but going slow seems to help. I'm working on correcting some bad habits I've developed over 20+ years of typing, and using this site - even for the short time that I have - has been extremely helpful. I'm just going to have to be patient with myself and focus on getting these pinky fingers in the game!