Conseil de dactylographie, comment faire moins d'erreur
1) Précision
J'avais essayé d'améliorer ma vitesse pendant des mois et je n'ai pas vu beaucoup d'amélioration. Une fois, j'ai ralenti et j'ai commencé à être plus précis au lieu d'essayer de taper plus vite j'ai commencé à voir une augmentation de ma vitesse de frappe. Je me sens plus en contrôle. J'ai encore du chemin à parcourir pour mon but, mais je suis heureux.
Apprendre à être précis en premier, puis augmenter la vitesse ensuite.Chaque fois que vous faites backspace, ça prend plus de temps que si vous ralentissez un peu mais avec une meilleur précision. J'ai toujours fait beaucoup de fautes, mais je me rends compte quand je ralentis pour être précis, j'ai effectivement tendance à taper un peu plus vite.
2) Rythme
Ce qui est important est l'élaboration d'un rythme, de ne pas se presser. Etre précis est la première priorité. La vitesse vient naturellement avec la pratique et le temps. En conclusion, on doit apprendre à ne saisir que ce que l'on voit/lit!
* Mettez les index sur les touches qui ont un relief (petit point ou barre)
* A chaque touche il y a un doigt assigné. Une touche doit toujours être tapée par le même doigt.
* Ne regardez pas le clavier, les yeux doivent toujours être sur l'écran
* Entrainez-vous !
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I cry because pain is painful. Just like how it is cold when you go outside and it's cold or when you know it's night when you go outside and it's night.
Try a more efficient touch typing layout, and when learning it make sure to delete the entire word when making a typo and start again to avoid reinforcing bad habits.
From this point onward (December 14, 2020) I am going to be very serious about typing. I will do 25 mins (or one Pomodoro) of typing every single day without missing one. If I miss one day, I have to pay it back the next day or when I am available.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... Not give up on your WPM goal because if you give up you may never achieve it. I worked hard to get my goal of 45 wpm average and I achieved it. I am working towards a 50 WPM average now. I will continue to work hard to reach this.
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...
Practice with gtypist to get some mechanics down. Purposely slow down when taking typing tests. Errors + backspaces cost more time than trying to press the keys as fast as possible.
There should be an option to hide the text box and remove the highlights so you can type without knowing your progress within the text, and you can focus on your fingers landing on the right keys instead. I improvise by typing on a notepad every practice session. Practice typing what you are thinking.
What really helped me improve my typing speed is forgetting speed. Every time i try to type fast, i make more mistakes and waste time trying to correct them.
What really helped me improve my typing speed is that I created my own way of typing. I don't like 'asdf - jkl;'. I just learned myself to type without looking at my keyboard. In my country, they call it 'blindly typing.' I don't know if it has the same meaning in English, but it just means that you're able to type without looking to your keyboard, or just look somewhere else, and you still can type your words correctly.
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I just take a break. Sometimes, I continue practising, 'cause I love my challenges, but sometimes I also take a break. Just lay down, and watch some YouTube or something, haha.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to just practise daily. Since today, I started typing again, and 3 days ago was the last time I practised my typing. It sucks, really sucks. My WPM suddenly went from 75-110 to 50-75. I don't know how, but that doesn't matter. I'm just here to tell you that you need to practise every day.
I feel like I've hit a plateau at around 85 wpm while concentrating pretty intensely but there are times I feel another gear setting in and my fingers move without me thinking at all and I'm getting 95-100 with very little effort so there's hope for me to consistently clear 100 wpm. There might be some things I can do with my fundamental form as well to help this goal along.
Many thanks to those who have left encouraging messages on my wall, what a great little community we have here!
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I...get off the computer and do something that doesn't require my fingers to be exerted. I can always go back to the computer and finish later.
My tip to improve your typing speed is to...practice daily for at least 15 minutes. It has been around 50 days I have started practicing touch typing. It took me at around 15 - 20 days to memorize the keys and then I was able to type without actually looking at the keyboard. My speed was around 5 WPM at that time, and I was constantly practicing daily for about 1 hour, and I gradually increased my typing speed to 9 WPM... 13 WPM... 18 WPM...25 WPM... 31 Wpm. And then actually I started practicing for 15 - 20 minutes daily and today I made it to 32.33 WPM. I am feeling so happy that I am constantly improving my typing speed. And I also hope that I will improve even much better in the coming days, Thank you.
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... use a different keyboard, even when it is a bit more difficult, a mechanical keyboard with linear switches is a lot easy to use and I don't get tired using it.