Conseil de dactylographie, comment faire moins d'erreur

1) Précision

J'avais essayé d'améliorer ma vitesse pendant des mois et je n'ai pas vu beaucoup d'amélioration. Une fois, j'ai ralenti et j'ai commencé à être plus précis au lieu d'essayer de taper plus vite j'ai commencé à voir une augmentation de ma vitesse de frappe. Je me sens plus en contrôle. J'ai encore du chemin à parcourir pour mon but, mais je suis heureux.
Apprendre à être précis en premier, puis augmenter la vitesse ensuite.Chaque fois que vous faites backspace, ça prend plus de temps que si vous ralentissez un peu mais avec une meilleur précision. J'ai toujours fait beaucoup de fautes, mais je me rends compte quand je ralentis pour être précis, j'ai effectivement tendance à taper un peu plus vite.

2) Rythme

Ce qui est important est l'élaboration d'un rythme, de ne pas se presser. Etre précis est la première priorité. La vitesse vient naturellement avec la pratique et le temps. En conclusion, on doit apprendre à ne saisir que ce que l'on voit/lit!

Démarrez la formation


conseils dactylographie

Quelques pistes

* Mettez les index sur les touches qui ont un relief (petit point ou barre)
* A chaque touche il y a un doigt assigné. Une touche doit toujours être tapée par le même doigt.
* Ne regardez pas le clavier, les yeux doivent toujours être sur l'écran
* Entrainez-vous !

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Astuces des utilisateurs

anandtiwari87 2 années, 11 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I rest for five minutes. I follow 20-5-20 rule, which is focus for 20 minutes relax for 5 minutes and again focus for 20 minutes. Repeat.

lonelycrier2.0 2 années, 12 mois avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to keep practicing? Or cry until you get what you want, that worked for me when I was a newborn.

dyingblades 2 années, 12 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...
Raiding without access to a microphone in World of Warcraft. 2008 was a weird year.

slothfulcurve32 3 années avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I... eat a taco from taco bell

And now for this video's sponsor Raid Shadow Legends

user653174 3 années avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to type utilizing the home row keys. Don't use single fingers in typing because it is inefficient and you are prone to making mistakes.

uraniumx92 3 années avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to keep on practicing . and as cliche as it may sound. you gotta focus on your accuracy rather than focusing on speed and messing up your accuracy.
You keep typing accurately. and you'll notice how your speed will get better.
One more thing is that you gotta understand that the progress is not linear in typing. some days you'll be slow. some days you'll type faster than your normal. then again you'll become slow.
So, don't worry if you see such highs and lows in your progress. eventually your speed is going to improve if you just do the 2 things i mentioned above.
1. Keep practicing
2. Focus on accuracy

hannibal44 3 années avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I stop using my computer for the rest of the day. It's like writing. You don't want to get carpal tunnel because you've been typing so much!

localbisexual 3 années avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to don't get too far ahead of yourself. Go word for word, learn the placement of each letter and learn to type them without rushing it.

fiddledy_rick 3 années avant
My typing history and speeds:
Age: ________Average speed WPM:
0-13 ________20 ish,
13-15 ________20-50
16-18 ________50-120
18-20 ________120-140,
I guess the practice really started from playing GTA and applying cheats lol. But as mentioned in my profile the true inspiration for typing came from a geography teacher in high school who, despite only teaching me for half a year, made such an impact to me as an individual. He gave me confidence and definitely made me make some changes to myself for the better and told the students how important and useful typing is. Just goes to show the importance of good teachers and their effects on people. It never occurred to me how he had such a great influence on me until a year or two ago. Wish someday that I'll go back to thank him for making quite a significant impact on my life.

breezy12405 3 années avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is to remember which keys are in which part of the keyboard and to practice. One of my favorite things to type is "The cat in the hat", just so I know where Im at.

frogyishome 3 années avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... type with both hands, and all your fingers, it sounds obvious but there was a time when a lot of us didn't type with our whole two hands. And we just typed with like three fingers on each hand.

catboardbeta 3 années avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is eatin' lots of pasta. All the pasta. Eat that pasta. Eat it up. Let that pasta flow down your throat. Feel it, feel it flow in it's avocado oil juices.

gumbycats101 3 années avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to...

type like your life depends on it
or like you have an essay due at 12 and its 11:59

ankursharma87 3 années, 1 mois avant
My tip to improve your typing speed is to... don't look at the keyboard and read the next word to type so as to give more time to the brain to understand and be ready to type the word.

okeydav 3 années, 1 mois avant
What really helped me improve my typing speed is...being addicted to typing, why do I even do it? I don't even really need to learn 2 type fast, somebody help

bry 3 années, 1 mois avant
When my fingers hurt after too much time on the keyboard, I take a break. You can prevent aching fingers by stretching your hands frequently.
