Commentaires récents

Alan Watts
never stop learning

this makes me feel like i'm having a stroke

Serena Federer
That is not true

Kurt Vonnegut
That's kind of tragic, I feel bad for yeast now :(

"Someone's Poetry"
nice !


user890176's citations

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wrrr - Be my savior
You make my world shine like a diamond. You cover my whole body in gold. Never know how I feel, I feel bold. No one know you look at me like a mold. You always say its better. But I don't have a tongue to say never I need a savior . Who can correct your behavior? Who will be my savior? To say I'm not a gold digger!

Nehl Sarmiento Almazan
I need a home, Not a home that build in materials. I need a home; a home that make me feels I'm inside in your arms. I miss my home in your arms, in your heart. But now I'm just a beggar begging for my home.