Commentaires récents

I bet you get praised for your intelligence very often.

A good sign that you should stop adding quotes to this site. That and your …

Whenever I visit this site, I can be sure to come across regurgitated platitudes.

J.R.R. Tolkien
les guillemets sont corrects, mais impossibles à taper -_-'

beautifl song


user-24572's citations

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Stephenie Meyer - The Host, Chapter 46: Encircled
How sad. How frightening. To be filled with so much hate that you could not even rejoice in the healing of a child... How did anyone ever come to that point?

Stephenie Meyer - The Host, Chapter 41: Vanished
"I just don't see how I can live here anymore. Not if you're going to be slaughtering my family in the other room. And I can't leave, obviously. So you see what I mean? What else is there for me but Doc's pointless cutting?" I shuddered.

Stephenie Meyer - The Host, Chapter 41: Vanished
He would never stop them. He was just one among many. And, as Jared had said, he'd had no objections before. I was the enemy. Even in the most compassionate, humankind's limited scope of mercy was reserved for their own.