Commentaires récents

Allen Downey
Eco friendly wood veneers?

Kenzie Sauer
A fundamental misunderstanding of depression.

Brenda Shaughnessy
Well you can actually make it go slower than 1 second per second if you …

changed eve to even

Some Disney Princess
I swear, didn't that happen to the Mongolian Empire lol


siryakalot's citations

Tout citations

Marlene Wallace - Final Fantasy Advent Children
The Lifestream. That's what we call the river of life that circles our planet, giving life to the world and everything in it. The Shinra Electric Power Company discovered a way to use the Lifestream as an energy source. Because of Shinra, we were able to live very comfortable lives. But wasn't that because we were taking away from the planet's life? A lot of people thought so.