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Alex Karev - Better - Grey's Anatomy - Part 2
You make me wanna BE better. You make me want to be good. And I think I can. With you. I think I can. So I'm not going anywhere, and you can stop hiding. And if you wanna be scared that's okay just be scared with me. Be scared while you scrub in with me on my first solo surgery. Okay?

Alex Karev - Better - Grey's Anatomy - Part 1
Listen you had that heart patient and it reminded you of Denny and how bad you felt when you were lying on that bathroom floor. I get that! I get that you're scared. But you're not going to have to feel like that again. Because I'm not going to die, Iz. And I'm not going to cheat on you, and I'm not gonna go anywhere! 'Cause I think you're my best shot at... I think with you... you make me better.

Meredith Grey - Badass - Grey's Anatomy
My mother called it the greatest and most terrifying moment in her life, standing at the head of the surgical table knowing that the patient's life depends on you and you alone. It's what we all dream about because the first person that gets to fly solo in the OR, kind of badass.

Meredith Grey - Sleep - Grey's Anatomy
Sleep. It's the easiest thing to do; you just close your eyes, but for so many of us, sleep seems out of grasp. We want it, but we don't know how to get it. Yet once we face our fears and turn to each other for help, night time isn't so scary because we realize even in the dark, we aren't all alone.

Izzie Stevens - Eyes Closed - Grey's Anatomy
I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed. Because this is like that moment in the morning when you first wake up and you're still half asleep and everything seems... Things are possible. Dreams feel true and for that one moment between waking and dreaming, anything can be real and then you open your eyes and the sun hits you and then you realize. I'm just gonna keep my eyes closed.

Meredith Grey - Monsters - Grey's Anatomy
When you're little, night time is scary because there are monsters hiding under the bed. When you get older the monsters are different. Self doubt, loneliness, regret. And though you may be older and wiser, you still find yourself scared of the dark.

Meredith Grey - Ties - Grey's Anatomy
The ties that bind us are sometimes impossible to explain. They connect us even after it seems like the ties should be broken. Some bonds defy distance and time and logic; because some ties are simply... meant to be.

Meredith Grey - Intense - Grey's Anatomy
It's intense, what happens in the OR, when lives are on the line and you're poking at brains like they're silly putty. You form a bond with the surgeons right next to you. An indescribable, unbreakable bond. It's intimate being tied together like that. Whether you like it or not, whether you like them or not, you become family.

Meredith Grey - Life - Grey's Anatomy
We're born, we live, we die... sometimes not necessarily in that order. We put things to rest, only to have them rise up again. So if death is not the end, what can we count on anymore? Because you sure can't count on anything in life. Life is the most fragile, unstable, unpredictable thing there is. In fact, there's only one thing in life we can be sure of. It ain't over till it's over.

Christina Yang - That's Why - Grey's Anatomy
My dad died when I was nine. In a car accident, I was with him in the car. While we waited for the ambulance, I tried to keep his chest closed, so he wouldn't bleed so much. When he died, my hands felt his heart stop beating. That's why I do this. It's also why I win all the contests. The patient's name is Tom.

Owen Hunt - A person - Grey's Aantomy
I wondered if you asked her her husband's name so that he would become a person to you. They're all people, Yang. This is not a game or a contest or a competition to see who gets surgeries and who doesn't. They're people and we get to save them. Now you're good. You're excellent and you can win all the contests. But if that's why you're doing this then you shouldn't be. Did you find out his name?

Meredith Grey - Death - Grey's Anatomy
If you're a normal person, one of the few things you can count on in life is death. But if you're a surgeon, even that comfort is taken away from you. Surgeons cheat death. We prolong it. We deny it. We stand and defiantly give death the finger.

Meredith Grey - Wars - Grey's Anatomy
Some wars result in complete and total victory. Some wars end with a peace offering. And some wars end in hope... But all these wars are nothing compared to the most frightening war of all. The one you have yet to fight.

Meredith Grey - Battlefield - Grey's Anatomy
For a surgeon, every patient is a battlefield. They're our terrain. Where we advance, retreat, try to remove all the landmines... And just when you think you've won the battle, made the world safe again. Along comes another landmine...

Meredith Grey - Choosing teams - Grey's Anatomy
The thing about choosing teams in real life... It's nothing like it used to be in gym class... being 1st picked can be terrifying, and being chosen last... isn't the worst thing in the world. So we watch from the sidelines, clinging to our isolation, because we know as soon as we let go of the bench, someone comes along and changes the game completely.

Meredith Grey - Which team - Grey's Anatomy
I am a rock. I am an island. That's the mantra to pretty much every surgeon that I've ever met. We like to think we're independent. Loners. Mavericks. That all we need to do our jobs is an OR, a scalpel, and a willing body... But the truth is, not even the best of us can do it alone. Surgery, like life, is a team sport... and eventually, you've gotta get off the bench and decide... which team are you batting for.

Meredith Grey - Fearless - Grey's Anatomy
We like to think we're fearless, eager to explore unknown lands and soak up new experiences, but the fact is, we're always terrified. Maybe the terror is part of the attraction. Some people go to horror movies. We cut things open. Dive into dark water. And at the end of the day, isn't that what you'd rather hear about? If you've got one drink and one friend and 45 minutes. Slow rides make for boring stories. A little calamity. Now that's worth talking about.

Meredith Grey - Invigorating and terrifying Grey's Anantomy
In 6500 BC, some guy looked at his friend and said "Let's drill a hole in your head.. that will make you feel better." And thus surgery was born. It takes a certain brand of crazy to think of drilling into someone's skull, but surgeons have always been a confident bunch. We don't always know what we're doing, but we act like we do. We walk into a country, plant a flag and start ordering people around. It's invigorating and terrifying.

Meredith Grey - No Science - Grey's Anatomy
Bones break. Organs burst. Flesh tears. We can sew the flesh, repair the damage, ease the pain. But when life breaks down... when we break down... there's no science. No hard and fast rules. We just have to feel our way through. And to a surgeon there's nothing worse, and there's nothing better.

Dr. Wyatt - Progress - Grey's Anatomy
Yes, horrible things do happen. Happiness in the face of all of that... that's not the goal. Feeling the horrible and knowing that you're not gonna die from those feelings, that's the goal. And you're not done. You've made progress because you're feeling and you're telling me about it. Six months ago, it would've been just you and a bottle of tequila. My door is always open.