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Henry Rollins
You. Yes, you. Go get some sleep.

Jessica Nite
Bro, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a break every once in a while. If your wrist …

Albert Einstein
I don't even know how to type the ² in the test as copy paste …

Alexia Orozco
De acuerdo.

Nice, m'kay!


waltztothetango's quotes

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Emma Mueller - Fear
One thing I've learned is that fear is frail. It's like an impossibly tall, huge snowflake. It looks like it'll chill you to death. It looks like it'll kill you. But do you know what happens? When the heat gets turned up, in the climax of things, fear melts away. But you stay your course. You outrun, outlive fear. The heat is nothing when it's compared against you.

Emma Mueller - Falling and Rising
I think I fell once. I can't remember it well, only that it hurt. I think I rose above once. I remember rising because I worked so hard for it all my life and when I rose above I forgot all about those times that I fell; the falling was nothing compared to the winning, to the rising up.

Emma Mueller - The Victor of the Story
In this world I am but one thing: the victor. I choose my own way, I make my own story. I accept nothing less than winning. If one is to try to overcome me, they will fail; I am the unrivaled victor of this story.

Emma Mueller
Never take anything for granted. It's ever so easy, it's our natural default. But don't. You'll only miss these things when they're gone, and by then, you can't have them.