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Paulo Coelho
Each of us has our own universe within ourselves. We're never going to be able …

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Don't worry, I got a 35% on my MATH 100 midterm a month ago, and …

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I type quotes just to convince myself that I'm doing something productive when I should …

Are you kidding me, I got all the way to the second e in 'priceless' …

Paulo Coelho


v.b.'s quotes

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VELessa B - How Very Familiar Yet So Different
I devoted myself to you. I took care of you. I loved you like I haven't loved another as it was a fresh start a new beginning a new way of life and adjusting to how you are. I compromised in the bad in you, and din't mind the hurt that was caused. Yet I was the one you said that I couldn't change how someone in my past has done me wrong. No, I just know the sings of when someone is dong me wrong and losing the love for me.

Velessa b - I broke it off, I DID!
The good memories are always the ones that come to mind which then tears start jerking from the eyes. Heartbreaking tears... They hurt as the salty tears just pour on and on until you think of one bad moment. Then another and another, oh yeah! I wanted to be happy. So, why cry?

vElEsSa B - Sweetness, loveless, knownless
His kisses were all mine when he promised to love and take care of me forever more and always. He cherished my inner beauty that no one else was able to see. His words of endearment made me blush wondering how he learned those sweetest sayings as he never knew how to love.

V Begaye - My thoughts Nov 28th
I was yours from the time you first kissed me, from the time you made my heart flutter, from the time you made me lift my leg upon feeling your lips against mine. Now, after 1,425 days later I am free from the painful words coming from the lips that once made me feel loved.

Velessa B. - Cute look
This past month I had sent a message that said the following: The look on her when she looks when looking at him. It looks so cute!! I got a response. She liked it.