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I remember reading this in grade 11 lol, Macbeth is one of the few Shakespeare …

Joel Hawes
Whoa, my first 170 wpm quote!

this is sad

Indrajit Roy Choudhury (original)
Did he think the anger was coming from someone else? How would that make any …

J.K. Rowling
This is a really good blog! As well as that, your web site loads quite …


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Danny Eskamlaji - Disability is not who you are
What is a disability you ask? Good question. It is a common syndrome that occurs people whenever they are born. They are many types of disabilities like vison, deaf or hearing, mental health, Autism, etc. However, with those disabilities, you may be upset about them but living with them isn't really a bad thing as long as you know what your doing with life and environment that accepts anyone. Just remember, always conquer anything that stands in your way in order to succeed.