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based on a course I am studying
I'd love to tell you more, but I don't really understand what you mean by …

arjun bhattrai
This is the second quote in a row I've gotten about parallel universes... are they …

thanks for the new pb

Jalia Estevez
awwww that's so sweet!!! Thanks, really needed to hear this today.

I feel like I have the same issue. For a long time during my childhood, …


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Santa María de Guadalupe, Mística Rosa, intercede por la Iglesia, protege al Soberano Pontífice, oye a todos los que te invocan en sus necesidades. Así como pudiste aparecer en el Tepeyac y decirnos: "Soy la siempre Virgen María, Madre del verdadero Dios," alcánzanos de tu Divino Hijo la conservación de la Fe.