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Paulo Coelho
Each of us has our own universe within ourselves. We're never going to be able …

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Don't worry, I got a 35% on my MATH 100 midterm a month ago, and …

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I type quotes just to convince myself that I'm doing something productive when I should …

Are you kidding me, I got all the way to the second e in 'priceless' …

Paulo Coelho


user203218's quotes

All quotes

Whatever my username is - "Pandemic"
When I think pandemic, I think of something that wipes out entire generations of people within the matter of days or months. When I think pandemic, I think of movies like Contagion or Outbreak. Not a virus that takes three years to kill as many people as say, the Swine Flu did in just a short few months. We're not in the middle of a pandemic; we're at the tailend of a fairytale.

Whatever my user name is - I've Got to Say it
I've got to say it; if you visit this website and start complaining about not liking the quotes that have been contributed, please go to a different site. We here at Keyhero appreciate the bright minds that contribute quotes, especially if they're original quotes. Go be boring elsewhere. That is all.

Whatever my user name is - This is True(2/2)
Maybe we've had a bad day, or a bad week. Maybe this day or week is the one that causes us to start questioning our beliefs. And out of nowhere, God sends us a sign. For me, it was keeping me out of prison for the rest of my life. For my dad, it was keeping himself alive, kicking him off of the booze. Our reward isn't a physical one: it's a spiritual one. And just like all rewards, it's up to us to accept it.

Whatever my user name is - This is True(1/2)
Science doesn't demand faith, this is true. But reward demands faith. And faith isn't just praying, or gathering with other people and joining hands and screaming to the skies for God's guidance. Faith is waking up and doing God's work, knowing it doesn't go unnoticed even when no human is present. Faith is knowing that God has our back, even if we don't show our faith all the time. And our reward for faith is being reminded by God that our faith isn't going unnoticed.

whatever my username is - Thanks
To the butt that is always adding quotes here about the DVORAK keyboard... you butt. I keep coming across your quotes about it, and because of you I have decided to give it a try... and boy am I having fun. It really is easier to use than the QWERTY keyboard. Not to mention more fun. In all seriousness, thank you. You have introduced to me a weird, different, more fun way to go about typing. So thanks.

Whatever my user name is - Lefthanded
I keep seeing a quote on here about being left-handed. To that individual, speak for yourself. I do literally everything left-handed with the exception of three things; cutting my meat, throwing things such as balls and rocks, and drinking. That's all I do right-handed. What this other speaker is speaking about is ambidexterity. Which is okay, don't get me wrong. He's probably just not aware of the fact that he is ambidextrous. That's all.

Whatever my username is - Realize
Realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize, realize realize. Realize, realize, realize realize. It's easy to realize how to spell realize. Realize. Spell with me now; realize. Realize. Realize realize realize realize. Realize. Realize. Realize. Learn to spell before adding a quote, or don't submit one at all. This isn't the only word, however it is the most commonly misspelled one. Please, for the sake of everyone else, learn to spell.

Whatever my user name is - Truly Amazing
You know what's truly amazing? Coming across a quote you wrote with a different account. I have only two quotes with the other account, and guess what I just came across? The OG quote. I don't remember the password or username, and truly I don't care. But it's cool to come across them.

Whatever my user name is - Gas
Do. Not. Hold. In. Your. Gas. We've been told most of our civilized lives that holding in your gas is respectful. What we haven't been told is how dangerous holding gas in can be. It can literally rot you from the inside out. Try to sneak away to let it out, try to be respectful. But if you can't, do. Not. Hold. In. Your. Gas.

Whatever my user name is - Spelling
Okay guys, here's a bit of a spelling test. More specifically, the correct spelling of the word realize. I'm going to give a couple of spellings for it, so follow closely. Realize. Realizes. Realized. Okay, still with me? It's not realise, it's realize. Please, don't create quotes with words you do not know how to spell. It's obnoxious, and is a great way to screw people up.

Mr whatever my name is - Dear Admins
Dear Admins; please, please, please start paying attention to peoples quotes. I don't know how many quotes I have come across with grammatical errors, punctual errors, spelling errors. It makes typing harder on those, like me, who catch every little thing, and it drives us insane. Yours Truly; every grammar, spelling, punctual Nazi on KeyHero.