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Hervé Bazin
« craonnais » (et non « craonnait »). Fait référence à la région du Craonnais, …

A Star in the Sky
thanks for the wishes guys.. as an update.. i touched 100 wpm at last.. i …

Tut tut. Very bird-centered quote.

William H. Rehnquist
When a man has to sacrifice his health, body, career, social standing, and almost lose …



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Olivia - Arizona speech
Really, really? You think that we just need to get off our asses? We should do you that solid because the loss of our colleague and friend is all about your needs, your schedule? You think we should be sensitive to that? How about you take a minute to think about the person, the talent, the life that we lost? How about you think before you start complaining that Derek Shepherd's death has been inconvenient for you.