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Jim Rohn
"It's a skill issue."

I remember reading this in grade 11 lol, Macbeth is one of the few Shakespeare …

Joel Hawes
Whoa, my first 170 wpm quote!

this is sad

Indrajit Roy Choudhury (original)
Did he think the anger was coming from someone else? How would that make any …


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Chadius Thunderousbrain - The SIng Sang Big Bang Bong Beng Deng
The Chocolate cookie the sing song exercise the big bang bong beng deng the sing song ming bing zing ching ping qing wing eing ring ting ying uing iing oing ping aing sing ding fing ging hing jing king ling zing xing cing ving bing ming usa asu american commie zelda minecraft bango piano extra milk strawberry milk strawberry salt critical iboss terra nibb 125 7 movies 6 movies 5 movies 3 movie s1 mies.