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*possession* should be the word. a type error.

Fred Maia
se você tivesse acreditado na minha brincadeira de dizer verdades, teria ouvidoo verdades que teimo …

Meanwhile, my true top WPM is around 75. But one error and my WPM shoots …

I got this quote while practicing typing in French, but it is in English.

Yoshihiro Togashi
So true.


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Anon de Hispachan
Si los Cristianos están dispuestos a soportar la miseria y los Judíos a destruir el mundo en nombre de un Dios que seguramente no existe, ¿Por qué yo no he de esforzarme todos los días con tal de sentirme digno de mi waifu?

Anon from Hispachan
If Christians are willing to endure misery and Jews to destroy the world in the name of a God that surely doesn't exist, why shouldn't I make an effort every day to feel worthy of my waifu?