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Paulo Coelho
Each of us has our own universe within ourselves. We're never going to be able …

college student
Don't worry, I got a 35% on my MATH 100 midterm a month ago, and …

Office Lady
I type quotes just to convince myself that I'm doing something productive when I should …

Are you kidding me, I got all the way to the second e in 'priceless' …

Paulo Coelho


skzismyult's quotes

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Geronimous Anonymous - 5 Stars
I really wanted to get a quote with five stars; but I am not sure whether people rate quotes with a smiley face because they like the ease of typing or because they like what it is saying.

Geronimous Anonymous - Badges
I am only writing this because I want that third badge. I feel like I know exactly the rating this will get, but it's okay. Well then, I shall send you off on your way.

Geronimous Anonymous - A Child
I hate children with my entire being. They are disgusting little creatures that just have to roam the planet and try to make life as unpleasant as possible. Of course only I have the misfortune of having to babysit the kid that lives across the street from me.

Geronimous Anonymous - Break
Remember to take a break every once in a while, and to drink some water. Your fingers and your mind tire if you don't focus on something else for a little bit. Also, make sure you are taking care of yourself!

Sophie V. - I Don’t Know
First of all, I hope someone gets this quote because this is only the second one I have ever written. Second of all, my life is not turning out the way I have always wanted it to turn out. Third of all, my family is toxic. Fourth of all, I hope you are doing well!