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based on a course I am studying
Since there is a comment on assumption here, I will put one that's common at …

based on a course I am studying
My bad that I was unclear, place here just meant location. I am from India, …

interesting, I'm the exact opposite. "people" is one of my favorite and most satisfying words …

Sometimes I look back on what I wrote and cringe immensely

Alex Fletcher
Not sure the point of novels is to make you "feel good."


satanatkeyboard's quotes

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Satoshi - Léxico innecesario
Leí que la práctica de la mecanografía trae una notable mejora en el léxico. Me quedé absorto ante tal afirmación carente de raciocinio. Me exacerba cuando de soslayo, un petulante enarbola cultismos de tan rimbombantes como banales corolarios cuyo efímero fin es obnubilar.