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Inderjeet Singh
Also, this is generally horrible advice that will lead to burnout and a hatred for …

Inderjeet Singh
If you're going to type a quote in English telling people how to get better …

From the movie God's Not Dead
Meanwhile, God is putting a third tumor to his best warrior

Not an art, no even closely related to art. Has nothing to do with art.

Khiara Cho
This is almost un-typeable due to all of the errors. I'm editing this for the …


ratsensei's quotes

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Larry David - Walking on the Streets
When I was living in New York and didn't have a penny to my name, I would walk around the streets and occasionally I would see an alcove or something. And I'd think, that'll be a good spot for me when I'm homeless.

Peep Show - Mark Corrigan (David Mitchell) - Peep Show
Everyone at this party isn't as young, fit and single as they're making out. Yep, let's face it, we're all falling apart piece by piece. Doesn't matter if you're single or in a couple: You. Are. Going. To. Die.