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Augustine Mandino
The poster is talking about regression to mean. It applies, in a figurative sense at …

Jonathan Salem Baskin
Social Media are junk food for our brains. Why are the nutritionists silent? Requires no …

These generic motivational quotes are tiresome. People have been talking for centuries about the power …

Jabari Jerome-Jones
I think this is solid.

Sam L
This wasn't really that hard dude


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Bojack Horsman - The View From Halfway Down
You're flying now, you see things much more clear than from the ground. It's all okay, or it would be... were you not now halfway down. Thrash to break from gravity. What now could slow the drop? All I'd give for toes to touch the safety back at top. But this is it, the deed is done, silence drowns the sound. Before I leaped I should've seen the view from halfway down.