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Alex Fletcher
Not sure the point of novels is to make you "feel good."

charli chapline
This quote must be in great shape with all that cardio.

Second law of thermodynamics - Wikipedia
What the hell is this

Children's Book
This hat is my hat. That hat is your hat. These gloves are my gloves. …

based on a course I am studying
I'd love to tell you more, but I don't really understand what you mean by …

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Prof AI - Cuphead - The Game of Patience
I have recently been playing a lot of Cuphead. It is a game that requires you to maneuver a character through a two dimensional world. It consists of boss fights and running levels for which you are graded on the performance you exhibited in the match. It is very difficult game and completing a level is supposed to be very satisfying. However, recently I have not been feeling that adrenaline rush from the game and instead am waiting to get lucky to beat the bosses. Currently at 190% completion.