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based on a course I am studying
I'd love to tell you more, but I don't really understand what you mean by …

arjun bhattrai
This is the second quote in a row I've gotten about parallel universes... are they …

thanks for the new pb

Jalia Estevez
awwww that's so sweet!!! Thanks, really needed to hear this today.

I feel like I have the same issue. For a long time during my childhood, …


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Nestor Kirchner - Discurso de asunción de Nestor Kirchner
En un país normal, como el que queremos construir con la participación de todos, este sería nuestro primer día de gobierno, pero debemos asumir que la República Argentina viene intentando superar la más grave y profunda crisis moral, cultural, política, social y económica de que tengamos memoria.