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Who wrongs you so much??

Martin Luther King
A verdadeira medida do homem não se vê na forma como se comporte em momentos …

The serial mogger
a polite version

Inderjeet Singh
Also, this is generally horrible advice that will lead to burnout and a hatred for …

Inderjeet Singh
If you're going to type a quote in English telling people how to get better …


masdiman's quotes

All quotes - WPN Definition
WPM means Words Per Minute. It is a measure of the output speed. For this measure, a word is 5 keystrokes. For example "hello world" is 2 words and "it's a day" is also 2 words because each expression is made of 10 characters. The average professional typist reaches 50 to 70 wpm. Are you a professional?

Huda Adi Pradana - 19 Juni 2012
Seseorang mencintaimu bukan karena kehebatanmu, tapi karena kepedulian dan penghormatanmu terhadapnya. Kehebatan hanya akan menumbuhkan kekaguman yang sementara, sedangkan yang menumbuhkan cinta yang bertahan lama itu adalah kepedulian, respek, dan penghormatan. Karena cinta tidak butuh orang hebat yang tidak respek.