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Paulo Coelho
Each of us has our own universe within ourselves. We're never going to be able …

college student
Don't worry, I got a 35% on my MATH 100 midterm a month ago, and …

Office Lady
I type quotes just to convince myself that I'm doing something productive when I should …

Are you kidding me, I got all the way to the second e in 'priceless' …

Paulo Coelho


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Balpreet Wairar - Sink Your Mind Into It
Knowledge, one of the most precious assets in this world, cannot be passed on like financial legacies, but it can be accumulated by sinking our minds into the right source. How much longer and more deeply we sink our minds therein will determine how much of the knowledge our minds will absorb. And if we are on a page of life where we have left our minds like an abandoned ship in the sea, then it will not surprise us to see our minds rotting out soon.