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based on a course I am studying
Ah, okay! I'm from Canada if you're wondering ^^ Honestly, people all around me say …

Milk boi
um.... this is certainly the most interesting quote I've come across so far

Both games are fun in their own way. I feel like Roblox is more versatile …

Ludwig Von Mises
a person who thinks all the time has nothing to think about except thoughts

based on a course I am studying
Since there is a comment on assumption here, I will put one that's common at …


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Federal Bureau of Investigation - Disney FBI Warning Screen
This tape is for promotional use and private home viewing only. It is not authorized for any other use and cannot be sold or rented, individually or bundled with any other product. Any public performance, duplication in whole or in part, or other use is strictly prohibited.

Chandler - The Ultimate Ttyping Test
The following are some fun typing test phrases - good luck and have fun! The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog. abcde fghi jklmno pqrstu vwxyz. Typing "Minimum Skepticism" is a quick game of table tennis. The five boxing wizards jump quickly!