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Paulo Coelho
Each of us has our own universe within ourselves. We're never going to be able …

college student
Don't worry, I got a 35% on my MATH 100 midterm a month ago, and …

Office Lady
I type quotes just to convince myself that I'm doing something productive when I should …

Are you kidding me, I got all the way to the second e in 'priceless' …

Paulo Coelho


galacticcas's quotes

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Watsky - Letter to My 16-Year-Old Self
Future you is just past you with new molecules, we shoot the old ones out as dead follicles meaning hair is dead cells. Which means our faults shed also - meaning our parts that are hard to endure get mopped up on the barber shop floor.

Max Olesker - The Principia of Natalie Dormer
Sir Isaac was strolling through a Lincolnshire garden with a friend and they drank tea beneath the shade of an apple tree. As he looked on, Sir Isaac realized that no matter what side of the world the tree might grow, its falling apple will always tumble towards the Earth. Never sideways, never upwards. There must be a power drawing the apple inexorably towards the Earth's center. And thus, Newton defined his third law.