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Henry Rollins
You. Yes, you. Go get some sleep.

Jessica Nite
Bro, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE take a break every once in a while. If your wrist …

Albert Einstein
I don't even know how to type the ² in the test as copy paste …

Alexia Orozco
De acuerdo.

Nice, m'kay!


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David Sedaris - Attaboy
Watching him dial, I thought, Really? This is your reaction? If I were thirteen and I'd been caught graffitiing a mailbox, my parents would have thanked the man and shaken his hand. "We'll take it from here," they'd have assured him. Then, in full view of the crowd, they would have beaten me - not a couple of light stage slaps but the real thing, with loosened teeth and muffled pleas for mercy.