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Alan Watts
never stop learning

this makes me feel like i'm having a stroke

Serena Federer
That is not true

Kurt Vonnegut
That's kind of tragic, I feel bad for yeast now :(

"Someone's Poetry"
nice !


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KAM - DSS - Medical terms
PMH: pneumonia, arthritis, diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidemia, hyperparathyriodism, cancer, dementia, alzheimers, scoliosis, cardiogenic shock, bilateral amputation, knee replacement, leukemia, melanoma, bradycardia, dysphagia, tonsillectomy, cholecystectomy, appendectomy, PNA, DM, HTN, HLD, BKA, AKA, CHF, CAD.

KAM - DSS - Circumstances
Wife found patient on floor with no pulse. CPR was initiated. EMS was called and when they arrived patient was in asystole. Rhythm never regained in EMS or ED. LTKA is 0830. MVA vs pedestrian. Bystander CPR. EMS arrived and patient was in vfib. Patient was mowing grass and neighbor saw them go unresponsive. No bystander CPR. EMS arrived and patient was in asystole. Asystole entire time.