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I love this quote amazing

nathaniel escoto
This quote doesn't really make sense. I tried to fix it but I don't really …

Mohammad Ali
why so many periods!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't know
thats crazy

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counter-of-bean's quotes

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Counter of Beans - Stolen Bike
I just walked out this morning to find that my bike was stolen. There's a sickening feeling sitting in my stomach. I can't stop thinking about what I could've done to prevent this. On top of that, I think about how much money I put into that bike and how much money and effort will need to go into getting a new one, not to mention keeping that one safe. Why do people suck?

Myself - Imposter Syndrome
I'm starting to think that if I can't get rid of imposter syndrome, then perhaps I should just sink into that role. I could make it into a little game. For how long can I fool everyone into thinking I belong here? I'll work the best I can, do as I'm told, and wear a mask of enthusiasm and intrigue. All while saving my best efforts for my true passions and safeguarding my mental health.