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Temple Grandin
Why are we postin eugenics???????????

typing text
Growth is mis-spelled at the end of the quote.

I am very addicted to monkeytype haha, just hit 10k tests on there

A honest socialist said...
nonsense propaganda

Albert Camus
Nice; the fourth period is a tad annoying, however.


biah212's quotes

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biah212 - success
Mostly they said work harder to gain better life. But i said relex more to have better life. is life pitiful? why must quotes too long? OMG thanks 4 review.

biah212 - Be yourself.
Nobody perfect, don't waste your time to be perfect cause you won't. Don't follow other people gesture because it will not be the same. Don't easily get jealous cause it will only hurt yourself. Don't listen to people that only can judge you cause they didn't realize they just judge about theyself.