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Billie Eilish
I wrote the same thing twice: this quote. It turns out, I had the same …

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It's about trying in order to succeed, and not just for perfunctorily.

Alan Menken
Easy peasy, just have a mansion and servants!

Oh, I see. You're learning English as a second language! Keep it up! You'll get …


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Shion Miura - The Great Passage
Words and the human heart that creates them are absolutely free, with no connection to the powers that be. And that's as it should be. A ship to enable all people to travel freely across the sea of words-we must continue our efforts to make sure The Great Passage is just that.

Kobo Abe - The Woman in the Dunes
Suddenly a sorrow the color of dawn welled up in him. They might as well lick each other's wounds. But they would lick forever, and the wounds would never heal, and in the end their tongues would be worn away. "I didn't understand. But life isn't something one can understand, I suppose. There are all kinds of life, and sometimes the other side of the hill looks greener. What's hardest for me is not knowing what living like this will ever come to."

Stephen Graham Jones - The Only Good Indians
"You're thinking crazy," he tells himself, just to hear it out loud. He's right, though. These are the kind of wrong thoughts people have who are spending too much time alone. They start unpacking vast cosmic bullshit from gum wrappers, and then they chew it up, blow a bubble, ride that bubble up into some even stupider place.

Chuck Tingle - Turned Gay by the Existential Dread that I may Actually be a Character in a Chuck Tingle Book
You know what I mean," my dread struggles to explain, "the fact that you're even able to experience an existential crisis at all means that you've been blessed with the ability to do so. For every argument that you're small and meaningless, there's an equal argument that you are unfathomably important."