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Alexandra Drennan
Good quote, love this game!

Rudy Franciso
Awwwwww that's so sweet! I used to be deathly terrified of spiders until a few …

I think that's partly true, but your innate personality itself also makes up half of …

Carl Sagan
It was a nice content

Amelia Pond
This was a great quote


ahmaduser38's quotes

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Harry lorayne - Opportunity never stops knocking
Some are of the opinion that they had their chance, perhaps years ago, to become successful. They feel that once an opportunity has been overlooked or wasted, there is no second chance. Nonsense! There is no allotted number of chances being sparsely handed out, one to a customer. It's only the hordes of failures, who have stopped seeking opportunity after their first chance at it, who have promoted the idea that it knocks only once!