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Jim Rohn
"It's a skill issue."

I remember reading this in grade 11 lol, Macbeth is one of the few Shakespeare …

Joel Hawes
Whoa, my first 170 wpm quote!

this is sad

Indrajit Roy Choudhury (original)
Did he think the anger was coming from someone else? How would that make any …


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Richard Reti - Endgame Material
Capablanca's management of the endgame gives the impression of being so natural that one easily forgets the difficulty of such precise play. The difficulty is chiefly psychological. In chess, as in life, one is so accustomed to place value on the material factors that it is not easy to conceive the idea of indulging in pawn sacrifices when there is so little available material.

Kasparov - Estilo de Karpov
Su dominio de un estilo de maniobra prudente dio como resultado la introducción del adjetivo "karpoviano" en el vocabulario del ajedrez. Define una estrategia de estrangulación del adversario metódica y silenciosa, como la de una pitón.