typing games wpm

Barbara Hall

This typing games wpm fue agregado por tpurch
You're alive. Do something. The directive in life, the moral imperative was so uncomplicated. It could be expressed in single words, not complete sentences. It sounded like this: Look. Listen. Choose. Act.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing games wpm

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kylejasperse 122.21 99.5%
kalpolintrol 122.15 98.6%
statusmeco 120.14 99.0%
corey 116.46 100%
railker 116.24 99.0%
lolololpie 115.82 98.5%
senorqueso 114.01 96.7%

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