Assistant - Patman

This quote fue agregado por user43328
I want to help you guys get the achievement for accuracy and speed. Which is why this is soo short. However, i am struck by the fact that the limit is actually more characters than I was hoping for.

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2001or2 121.25 92.1%
trishadgk 115.80 96.6%
netramz 114.67 93.8%
npabs 111.05 98.5%
rrapattoni 101.59 99%
malevolarky 101.36 99.0%
paranoidminotaur 100.45 92.6%

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amoureuse329 86.09 95.2%
user637976 54.94 95.7%
aki_honmono 56.31 93.8%