Spanish lesson - Abby Andersen

This quote fue agregado por bloomsberry
This is a Spanish lesson. Milk =la leche, hedgehog = el erizo, boy=el nino, girl = la nina, can I go to the bathroom= puedo ir al bano, shut up= callate, I don't speak your language= I no hablo tu idioma, I don't care= no me importa. I hope you liked your Spanish lesson. Gracias.

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brainslug85 10 años, 11 meses atrás
It contains lots of spelling mistakes in Spanish, like: el niño or la niña, or baño, it's not an N, it's an ñ (alt+164 for lowercase, alt+165 for uppercase).
Also, it makes absolute no sense to put all these sentences and haphazard words together and the equal signs sometimes have spaces before them and sometimes don't, which creates a lot of errors.

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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