Thy shall succeed - Owen Hurley

This quote fue agregado por user37596
If thy shall cannot succeed on thy first try then thy shall try again until thy succeed in thy master. It is important to learn thy skill so thy can succeed in thy future and then thy shall get a job. If thy still can't succeed then just give it up for the day and thy shall try tomorrow. I have added this on to get your typing fingers working and I hope that thy shall succeed typing this and I hope that thy succeeded. <('').

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Nombre PPM Precisión
typin_ 178.58 98.4%
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delacruz.danilojr 93.63 94.7%
algo 90.80 96.6%
peepeepoopoo6969 85.92 95.5%
falsesu 83.19 98.4%
shiesty_dyce 81.68 93.9%
melijill 80.28 95.7%
reasonablereason 77.58 99.5%
ephemeralwildflower 71.64 93.4%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
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typin_ 178.58 98.4%
lome 67.43 96.8%
falsesu 80.26 97.7%
reasonablereason 77.58 99.5%