Life - Lindsey Sue DeVries

This quote fue agregado por lindseysue
Sometimes when things get hard, people just give up. Sometimes instead of keeping a good outlook on life, people just give up. There is so much more to life than giving up. When you really think about it, there are people that love you. You're breathing, and yet you're alive. Just live day by day and see what it brings; something magical could happen. Just ponder on the thought. When you think life is so hard, try walking in another person's shoes.

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malevolarky 10 años, 11 meses atrás
Or sometimes, people refuse to die simply to spite the world.
teilo 10 años, 11 meses atrás
Uh... What?
afbwelter 11 años, 2 meses atrás
"You're breathing. And yet you're alive."


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