Kenneth Gu

This quote fue agregado por awesomedude8888
When you do something good, you will get something good. When you do something bad, you will get something bad. So if you want to be treated badly, do bad things. If you want to be treated well, do good things. And it's as simple as that.

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o simplemente dejar un comentario:

kaikaikaikai 9 años, 10 meses atrás
If it were that easy, we would need no justice system.
leam_goddess 10 años, 5 meses atrás
leam_goddess 10 años, 5 meses atrás
First you need to save yourself. Bitting yourself for failing etc. is the greatest reason of all bad things happening to you. The law of attraction, karma, its all the same. You attract what you give out, but in vibratory level. So if the primary emotion is fear of being bad or bad things happening to you, you are stuck in a vicious circle. :D
malevolarky 10 años, 9 meses atrás
Voltaire might disagree with you about that...

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