Key Heroes - Michael Jacinto

This quote fue agregado por mick43152
There are heroes. Then there are Keyheroes. Ones who type with breakneck speed. But even one who improves from a mere 15 words to a good 40 words a minute in one month is amazingly brilliant. They just became a Keyhero of themself. So I challenge you to improve while typing this. Do you feel that you're now a Keyhero of yourself? If you do, you've made it to the right website.

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kasra 9 años atrás
"Amazingly brilliant" is not a phrase I would use to describe a moderate improvement in typing speed.
kaikaikaikaikai 11 años, 4 meses atrás
Nice words!

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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taro_curly 104.30 99.0%
peggyrwa 102.83 96.2%
lisaveebee 101.90 99.0%
munchkinbug 101.83 96.9%
allanw5 95.53 97.4%
jan_londen 94.82 97.7%

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