
This quote fue agregado por mcfodi
I've been seeing some quotes on with general information about the typist, like their age and why they type here, in response to some other quote asking about it. I have never seen a quote ask me about my age and why I am here, but it must exist, so I shall answer. I turn 18 in three months and just moved to college for summer class. I am typing here to help pass all my spare time, since I barely leave my dorm and currently have no friends. What about you?

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feuv 1 año atrás
17, turning 18 in five months. Honestly, whenever I don't have anything else to do (or if I'm procrastinating on school stuff) I just hop on here and type for a few minutes. Typing is just weirdly relaxing to me for some reason, and it's one of the few things which I both enjoy and am decent at, so that's why I spend an unhealthy amount of time here every day o.o

Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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kenneth27 124.64 96.6%
rossgshaffer 120.41 97.9%

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