Boredom Buster - Anonymous

This quote fue agregado por missvalkyriae
I've come to notice that a fair amount of quotes that people submit talk about how they are just practicing their typing in hopes of making it look as though they are busy while at work. Not for me. I come here and practice my typing because I am all caught up with my job responsibilities and have nothing to do to help pass the time. At least by practicing my typing, I am also improving my job skills instead of just twiddling my thumbs.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
marchtoglory 120.55 92.8%
user462452 72.37 96.9%
ephemeralwildflower 70.55 89.1%
miorm.irsyadi 67.15 93.2%
cattype123 61.07 95.7%

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Nombre PPM Precisión
cattype123 61.07 95.7%
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user462452 72.37 96.9%
miorm.irsyadi 67.15 93.2%