Free typing- Please rate 5 stars so this can show up - Poo guy from Ohio

This quote fue agregado por user450130
Kids In typing or tech are failing, this will help them get a free good grade. Once upon goods days, someone was having a good day and then came the dragon of good death.

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Pon a prueba tus habilidades, toma la Prueba de mecanografía.

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Mejores puntajes para este typing test

Nombre PPM Precisión
user90997 95.02 93.4%
greenkat006 89.75 93.4%
user105219 88.75 97.7%
user830398 80.95 95.5%
sophkel 78.50 91.9%
drtyrant 74.51 91.9%
ru1n00 73.80 89.0%
simplysam_03 72.68 92.4%
user580058 70.49 91.9%
grnsarma 67.13 88.3%

Recientemente para

Nombre PPM Precisión
simplysam_03 72.68 92.4%
user90997 95.02 93.4%
arko 61.93 96.0%
grnsarma 67.13 88.3%
hannah.poe 46.62 95.5%
drtyrant 74.51 91.9%
ru1n00 73.80 89.0%
user580058 70.49 91.9%