Delayed gratification - Omar7

This quote fue agregado por omar7
Do you do whatever you want? Do you watch movies and shows every day? Do you delay useful stuff that you need to do, and instead get busy with something "fun"? Then, my friend, you need to know about delayed gratification vs. instant gratification. Ask yourself, before getting busy with any work, is it useful? Does it require active focus or passive focus? What are the gratifications I would get from this? And for each day, make a reasonable balance between the two types. Stay useful my friend.

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feuv 10 meses, 2 semanas atrás
Ouch, this quote hit home. Imma stop slacking off and go work on something more productive now!
omar7 2 años, 1 mes atrás
thank you , happy to hear that :D
8leggeddoctor 2 años, 2 meses atrás
so, i'm not the best typist. i'm actually fairly new (if you can't tell by my neglect for casing) but this one was really fun tbh

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